Most Powerful Supercomputer In The World
Today we meet the world's top 10 most powerful supercomputers of 2021. The term supercomputer refers to a class of extremely powerful computers but what is considered powerful changes as years pass and technology evolves and the specific workloads towards which they are deployed change as needs of enterprises and governments develop from mbs to gbs what is the maximum power of your computer or you heard of someone we can bet it will be in gigabytes only a computer of high performance power is called supercomputer performance of the supercomputers is measured in floating point operations per seconds flops instead of million instructions per second mips there is fun fact did you know if our brain was a computer it could perform 38 trillion operations a second that's 500 times more than the world's fastest supercomputer the world's supercomputers are now not only faster but also smarter and support a greater variety of workloads. Here is the list of the top 10 most powerful supercomputers,
10. we have Frontera deployed at the university of texas at austin's texas advanced computing center in 2020 Frontera currently achieves 23.5 petaflops using 448 like other supercomputers in this list it uses melanox hdr to transmit data at speeds of up to 200 gigabits per second Frontera is designed for academic workloads like simulation modeling machine learning and big data it has been used in various research such as binary black hole mergers brain cancer treatment and solving chemical problems through machine learning modular modeling and quantum mechanics
9. HPC5 created by oil and gas multinational company enis.p.a the hpc5 has a peak performance of 51.7 petaflops this output is made possible through equipped with two intel gold 62 5224 core cpus and four nvidia v 100 gpus the nodes are connected via an infiniband melanox hdr network technology with a speed of 200 gigabits per second using over 10 kilometers of fiber optic cable hpc 5 comes with a 15 petabyte storage system with aggregate read and write speeds of 200 gigabytes per second ap said it uses the supercomputer for various technological environmental and research purposes such as processing subsoil data and developing subsoil models in fact this is how the company found the xor gas field in the mediterranean sea the company has also made the hpc5 available for coronavirus research
8. Joules booster module installed at the forshang centre mulet research center in germany the autos built supercomputer joules booster module is capable of achieving 85 petaflops this is equivalent to the computing power of over 300 000 modern pcs the joules booster module is powered by amd epyc processors and nvidia a100 gpus making it the most powerful supercomputer in europe joules is currently involved several projects such as studying drug binding over biologically relevant time scales high resolution weather forecasting based on deep learning and plasma simulations for next generation particle accelerators
7. Tienha 2a also called milky way 2a the tianha 2a is a 33.86 petaflop supercomputer developed by china's national university of defense technology nudt and deployed the national supercomputer center in guangzhou it has 16 000 computer nodes each comprising two intel iv bridge xeon processors and three xeon phi coprocessor chips as per nudt tianhe2a has a number of applications including computational fluid dynamics simulation business opinion analysis and government security
6. Celine is a supercomputer built by nvidia that is equipped with competitor advanced micro devices amd epyc processors a 100 gpus and melanox hdr infiniband networking technology celine is capable of performing nvidia uses celine in various research development and production related projects this includes large-scale language modeling autonomous vehicles graphics rendering and tools for quantum chemistry and genomics
5. Perlmutter is the lone new entry to the top 10 list this system is based on the hp cray shasta platform and a heterogeneous system with both amd epyc based nodes and 1536 nvidia a100 accelerated nodes it achieved 64.6 petaflops per second
4. Sunway taihalite developed by china's national research center of parallel computer engineering and technology the sunway taihulight is equipped with 40 nodes of sw26010 many core 64-bit risk processors each of its processors contain 256 processing cores and four auxiliary cores for system management giving it a total of 10 million six hundred and forty nine thousand six hundred cpu cores this enables the supercomputer to reach a processing speed of 93 petaflops tahoe light is currently running at the national supercomputing center in waxi it is used for research and engineering work specifically in fields such as advanced manufacturing climate data analytics earth systems modeling and life science research
3. Sierra was built for the Lawrence Livermore national laboratory in california sierra is used primarily for predictive applications in stockpile stewardship which is a u.s program for testing and maintaining the reliability of its nuclear weapons the summit and sierra architectures are quite similar with each of its four thousand four hundred and seventy four nodes equipped with two power nine cpus and four nvidia tesla v100 gpus this enables the sierra computer to perform at a peak of one hundred and twenty-five petaflops
2. Summit built by tech giant IBM at the oak ridge national laboratory ornl in tennessee is the fastest supercomputer in the united states capable of performing power 9 central processing units cpus and 6 nvidia tesla v100 graphics processing units gpus weighing over 340 tons and occupying 5 can perform 200 quadrillion flops store computational scientist wayne jubair summit is so fast that in just one hour using it researchers can solve a problem that would take 30 years on a desktop computer according to tom ross amelia senior vice president of IBM cloud and cognitive software summit is built with ai workloads in mind and seeks to address challenges like climate change understanding genetic factors that influence opioid addiction and predicting extreme weather before they happen finally
1.Fugaku the king of supercomputer remains at number one fugaku is a supercomputer developed jointly by the reikin center for computational science and it giant fujitsu its specifications include a 512 bit arm architecture with seven million six hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and forty eight cores and five million eighty seven thousand two hundred and thirty two gigabytes of memory its benchmark scores show why fagaku is on the top spot on the top 500 it achieved a linpack score of conjugate gradient benchmark it scored performance linpack for acceleration introspection it scored 2.004 exa-flops fagaka's current projects are focused mainly on covid19 related fields including exploring drug candidates predicting the conformational dynamics of proteins on the sars cov2 virus and carrying out fragment molecular orbital fmo calculations for covid19 proteins according to satoshi matsuoka director of reichen fugaco has also contributed to the establishment of covid 19 safety guidelines for the government and private sector and has helped lead a digital transformation in the area of infectious diseases matsuoka also highlighted the supercomputer's speed in a real-world use case referencing research on covid the k computer fagaco's predecessor fmo calculations to investigate it would have taken days weeks multiple weeks it took fogaka three hours naopi shinjo corporate executive officer at fujitsu revealed that fagaco has started shared use with other researchers starting march 2021 in the future we anticipate that fagaka's use will continue to play an important role in contributing to the realization of the japanese government's plan for society 5.0 a smart society initiative in areas like drug discovery as well as ensuring a secure and safe society
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