NIKOLA TESLA's lost Inventions
Tesla lived in Manhattan, New York City in the US while working as an engineer in the company of Edison one day, 28-year-old Nikola Tesla met Thomas Alva Edison. Thomas Alva Edison is the name of a person who invented electricity on one side and created a stock of money on the other side. Edison has set up power plants in New York. A power station was built every half mile. Nikola Tesla had already impressed Edison with his hard work and simplicity. One day Nikola Tesla was working in the office, when Thomas Alva Edison came there. At that time, the edition was deeply concerned about something, then Nikola Tesla asked Edison the reason for the problem. To this, Edison said, "Can you improve the design of DC Dynamo. If you make a correction then in return I will give you $ 50,000, $ 50,000 amount was a very big amount at that time which is equivalent to about $ 25 million dollars today. Nikola Tesla seen it a golden chance to earn money He worked for 16–16 hours, day and night and when the work was completed, he, informed Edison about this and asked the money for this work, He then launched the first AC power system near Boston. In the 1890s decade, Nikola invented the High Voltage Transformer. Tesla thought that AC was a better option than DC because AC could be easily moved from one place to another. which instead of flowing in a single direction constantly changes its direction. By this system, electricity could be very easily reached far and the AC system was less expensive but Thomas Alva Edison was totally against his thinking. He used to call the alternating current means AC dangerous.
This led to a War of Currents in Tesla and Edison. To prove the alternating current system means AC is dangerous, At the behest of Edison, a criminal gambler who was to be sentenced to death, he was killed by giving 1000 volts of AC current for 17 seconds. Some witnesses claimed due to AC current gambler's body caught fire Despite so many conspiracies by Edison, the benefits of AC were greater. Therefore, the AC system became more popular among the people, which made it very clear that Nikola Tesla got the victory but in history, the Father of Electricity was called to Thomas Alva Edison. Today, through AC systems power is supplied to homes all over the world. The world's richest person, Elon Musk should be thanked that he named the company of electric-powered cars after Nikola Tesla, "Tesla". The company exclusively produces electric-powered cars. Had there not been a fire in Tesla's lab in 1895, Tesla would have been considered the inventor of the radio. But due to the political reason and bad luck of Nikola Tesla, Marconi got credit for the invention of the radio. which also led to a legal battle. the decision came in favor of Tesla. Marconi's patent was rejected by the US Supreme Court and the patent was granted to Tesla.
In addition to the invention of Electricity, Tesla had predicted many other technologies which seem to be coming true after many decades. He had hoped that one day the world would use wireless technology to send telephone signals, music files and videos. When the whole world did not even understand communication, then Tesla was talking about wifi communication which today, it is possible to do via Wi-Fi. Tesla's prediction turned out to be true with the Worldwide Web of 1990. Tesla had predicted the smartphone 100 years before the invention of the smartphone, due to this discovery, the existence of the smartphone has become possible today. In the year 18-98, Tesla unveiled wireless and remote-controlled automation which today we call remotely operated toyship or drone Tesla had built a remote-operated boat, which filled people with astonishment upon seeing it. There was apprehension among the people about this boat that it is being run by a trained animal but Tesla, by opening part of the boat cleared the misconception of the people. Tesla believed that one day remotely operated machines will be an important part of people's lives. and this prophecy was very close to the truth. At the time, perhaps these things of him were considered insane, but in the future, everything about Tesla is proving to be true. Apart from this, Tesla made another prediction that machines would be able to fly without any fuel through the wireless power system.
But as far as fuel-less and electric planes are concerned, it is still a dream of the future which may become true later. Nikola Tesla claimed that he has succeeded in time travel. He also shared this experience through a book. Time travel in which people can go in the past and future times but this mystery is a mysterious subject for people till date. Nicola Tesla also made such a special machine. It is said that he used to disappear suddenly from his place. It is because of these antics that people consider him a Mysterious Person. Tesla used it in 1943 on a fighter plane USS Aldridge in Philadelphia Dockyard. It is said that at that time, by hiding the plane to make the Nazis dodge, several thousand volts of electromagnet coils were placed around the plane. After this, the voltage started to increase gradually. As soon as the voltage reached beyond three and a half million So a green light spread all around and the plane completely disappeared in it. which even radar could not track. The plane was later spotted in Virginia. Most of the crew members had died in it while those who were well, their mental condition had deteriorated. It is believed that they all returned after Time Travel.
Some of the passengers who were traveling in the plane claimed that the plane after disappearing in 1943 reached directly in the time of 1983. and by this time, the world of 1983 had developed a lot. In order to solve this trick of time travel, the famous scientist Albert Einstein, also released a theory in 1905. Theory of Relativity which tells the relation between time and speed. Nikola Tesla had claimed that he have seen the past, future and the present at the same time, maybe that is why they must have known about the future invention in the past itself. Nikola Tesla died on 7 January 1943. Nikola Tesla was found dead in a hotel in New York, he had stopped meeting people in the last days of his life. At the door of the hotel room, he had put the board of "Do not disturb". In the end, we come to the conclusion that Nikola Tesla was a great influencer and far-fetched scientist, but he did not have social and business skills he discovered and predicted many inventions in his life, of which he never got the credit. But today people of the whole world have understood his value, who was once known as mad and eccentric scientist today the whole world knows him as a great scientist.
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